Saturday 8 May 2010

tell me of your politik.

It was the election yesterday. I voted Liberal Democrats knowing full well that if Conservatives got in, we'd all be well and truly fucked. Why? Because it is a cold, hard fact that David Cameron doesn't care about us. I watched until 4am to see how the parties would do and shrunk back in horror at the Exit Poll. I sat and watched as Tories gained more and more seats.

I went to be hoping this was all a bad dream. But that's when the true nightmare started.

I dreamt I was at school, I was dressed in yellow. There was a big party - we were celebrating. I was sure we had won something - or maybe we hadn't, I wasn't sure. We were just celebrating - everyone was happy. It was good. And then a girl in red comes along and is worried. She tells me something and walks away - I'm confused. Later, a girl in blue comes along and tells me she doesn't want to be friends - she hates me. She tells me I shouldn't be here, I don't deserve to be here. She tells me I'm not allowed to vote - I don't deserve to, I don't have the right to.

I get upset. I lash out, push her and punch her and do everything I can to hurt her. I hate her, she's not my friend. I just want to hurt her so much. And then I step back, shocked at what I've done. She's lying amongst upturned desks and chairs - the old-school ones you'd get in the sixties or something. The ones you open up, yeah? She doesn't say anything, but stares up at me.

And I step back, from out of a class room and I'm suddenly on grass, the room's falling away to the outside, to endless fields or green and yellow. I look at I see David Cameron standing and staring at me - shocked. I cry and run away into the fields - they're long and hard to move through. I move slowly, as if running through water.

And I run away, and no one comes to find me. But I'm hoping, just wishing that someone does.

Could I dream of a future of repression of the Tory rule? Or could I merely dream my fears of one in childish ways?

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