Sunday 2 May 2010

the lonely scottish girl and her raggedy doctor.

it's a shame you don't know what you're running from.
would your bones have to break and your lights turn off?
would it take the end of time to hear your heart's false start?

wipe the mud stains from your face,
stop the engine, stop pretending,
that you're still breathing.

you know this is your biggest mistake.

Hello, it's me again. How do you do? I feel a little funny - I stayed up until 7am because I wasn't tired and kinda felt like doing it so I fed my inner Doctor Who fangirl and wrote and drew until I couldn't think anymore. It was lovely. I love Eleven and Amy. They're adorable. And I think I write them well together.

"Doctor?" she asks quietly.

"What?" he's a little annoyed for being cut off. He doesn't like it when people don't let him finish what he's trying to say.

"Do you give in?"

He looks at silently, there's a sort of sad look in his eyes – there's still part of him that doesn't want to do this. He knows it's wrong, but there's something telling him that it's alright. He should. Just comfort her. Amy smiles up at him, her dark eyes still twinkling.

"Yes," he says finally.

I'm pathetic, really. Such a soppy, silly girl. I'm waiting on Uni work to be marked so I can get it back again. I'm dying to find out how well or bad I've done. I want to know about my ELL124 - Creative Writing more than anything. I went mental with that one, I enjoyed writing it so much and showing everyone how much of a sick fuck I can be. It's not my fault. I just have a preferred taste for all things... fucking horrible in life.

I got talking to a girl in one of my classes and we walked home together since she lives in Clanny and I at Precinct which is on the way up to there. We talked about random stuff. Flatmates, plans for next year, plans for the weekend. Stuff like that. She called me weird. I thanked her, beaming. That was the most lovely compliment someone has ever given me. Cheered up my day, probably.

I don't know what else to write today. Ararararararara lalalala do be do do do do!

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