Tuesday 27 April 2010


My tooth cracked earlier today, but I didn't notice it at first. I just felt a line, a crack. I had a closer insepction and noticed it was loose. Oh shit. I've since then spent mose of today poking and prodding at it just to try and force it out. There's been a lot of pain, then none at all. A lot of the time there's been blood. Not nice at all.

It took a while, but I managed to yank it loose enough to pull it out. By this time the blood's dribbling down my chin and my head's dizzy from the pain. I was advised to go to the dentist's. But I don't trust them. They don't help me at all, any way. Why bother with a stupid, dirty tooth? I can deal with it myself.

There was a lot more blood, just a sudden rush and my whole mouth's full of it. I'm morbidly fascinated and horrified at the same time. But that's how I roll, yo. A whole half a tooth gone. It's currently lying on my desk in a bloodied mess. I'll deal with it later. It feels weird having it out. There's just a bigger hole in my jaw now. Lovely.

Umbrella Academy, aahhhhh!

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